Soaking Nuts or Not?

Nuts are a superfood as they are packed with multiple nutrients and healthy fats like Omega-3 and proteins, which can provide immense benefits to health. Though nuts are very nutritious, until they are eaten properly, it is hard to take maximum nutrients from them. That is why, in the field of health and well-being, it has always been a topic of debate whether we should be soaking nuts or not. This blog will provide you with comprehensive knowledge of the benefits of soaking nuts, whether we should soak nuts before eating or not, and how to soak nuts properly.

Soaking Nuts Benefits

Variety of nuts are kept in different bowls.

Most of the people in India, start their mornings after eating soaked nuts. And there is nothing wrong with it, as you are starting your day on a healthy note. Nuts are packed with nutrients. They have numerous benefits from improving basic function of the body which is digestion to reducing chronic disease like heart disease and diabetes.
1. Reducing absorption of essential nutrients Nuts, when eaten raw, contain some anti-nutrients that can hinder the absorption of the other essential nutrients. The most famous anti-nutrient is phytic acid. So, if we soak nuts in water, the phytic acid is removed or neutralized. 
2. Texture – If you see or feel the texture of a raw and a soaked nut, you will find a noticeable difference in its texture, which is that a raw nut is a bit hard, on the other hand a soaked one will have a softer texture. 
3. Taste – The taste of nuts also becomes enhanced as soaking nuts brings out the sweetest taste out of them. 
4. Better Digestion – For most of the people, soaked nuts are easy to digest. Removing the peel is also a plus point for soaked nuts, as the peel of a night can cause digestion issues for an elderly person and for those who suffer from digestive issues.

Why should we not soak nuts?

1. Change in texture and taste – Some people do enjoy the crunchiness of nuts. So, they might not enjoy softer nuts after soaking in water. The same goes for the taste of raw nuts and soaked nuts.
2. Loss of nutrients – Some of the nutrients that are water soluble can be lost if we keep nuts soaked in water overnight. Such loss can result in losing its nutritional value.
3. Time and Convenience – In today’s hustling-bustling era, it is hard for people to do this minute task to soak nuts. Additionally, some people don’t have time for doing so with such a jam-packed lifestyle. In such cases, it is best to eat raw nuts.

Quantity Of Nuts

Choosing an ideal quantity of nuts is a very difficult task. It totally depends on an individual’s personal goals, their diets and nutritional needs. A calorie is an also important factor to consider because nuts are usually calorie-dense. So, those who are looking for weight gain or loss must consider calories before incorporating nuts into their diet. Furthermore, you need to consider your physical indulgence in various activities. A physically active person can intake high-calorie amounts.
Despite all of the above, multiple health experts recommend taking a handful amount of nuts in a day.

How to soak nuts properly

1. Choose the best quality – It is always suggested that we should prefer indigenous (desi) nuts of premium quality. These nuts should be soaked raw and unsalted.
2. Rinse – Wash before soaking them in order to remove dust from the nuts.
3. Soaking method – It is always recommended that we should soak almonds and walnuts separately from cashews and dry figs. The reason for this separation is that almonds and walnuts have anti-nutrients that dissolve in water. This water should be thrown away. However, water of soaked cashews and dry figs have soluble nutrients which makes this water healthy and full of strength. You can drink this water. You can soak nuts overnight.
4. Draining and rinsing – You can drain water that contains anti-nutrients and rinse it well to remove any remaining anti-nutrients.

You can eat soaked nuts with peel on too but as we have discussed above it is best to eat by peeling nuts off because a peel can hinder the process of digestion.

Additional tips

Personal View

Soaking nuts are in a bowl.

Since childhood I have always consumed nuts after soaking them in water overnight because according to my parents, it will make them more nutritious and wash away all dirt, which is not wrong I presume. That’s what we have discussed above after soaking nuts, anti-nutrients are washed away making nuts healthy. So that they do not hinder any nutrient absorption. I, personally, prefer to soak nuts overnight and eat them after peeling them off. In my early years, it was definitely because of habit but after I have understood the actual significance of soaking nuts. I consciously prefer to soak nuts. However, that does not signify you should listen to me because my guide might suit one person but not the other. As we all have different bodies and they work differently. So, listen to your body and choose what suits your body.


In conclusion, it can be said that if you soak nuts, you can achieve maximum nutritional benefits and enhanced digestibility. However, soaking nuts in water depends on the individual’s preferences and lifestyle. as it can be time-consuming. Understanding about the pros and cons can help you to make a decisive choice that can improve your diet. These tiny powerhouses from almonds to walnuts and cashews to pistachio, should be incorporated in your diet because of their numerous health benefits. Whether you want to soak nuts or not, they have still so much to offer for you. So, grab a fist of nuts and munch it naturally!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Deep

    Keep it up !! Doing great work

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