Is Brown Bread Healthy?

Is brown bread healthy? A controversial question that creates a feeling of curiosity in everyone. Before understanding the healthiness of brown bread, first, we need to understand what is brown bread made up of and how. Brown bread is made up of whole grains such as wheat, rye or a mixture of multigrain.

Process of Making Bread

Slices of Brown Bread are placed on table with some grains.

The process of making bread includes kneading dough by mixing water with additional ingredients like salt and yeast. Salt is used in making bread because it is a good source of antioxidants and is used as a natural preservative. Salt increases the shelf life of bread. However, yeast is used for the process called fermentation. During fermentation, yeast performs anaerobic respiration in which it forms carbon dioxide and ethanol (a kind of alcohol). Carbon dioxide helps the dough to expand. That’s why breads do have small pores over them. On the other hand, the maximum amount of ethanol gets evaporated during baking. The remaining alcohol enhances the taste of bread. People in today’s world also use baking powder for the function of fermentation and use different types of artificial preservatives and colours like caramel. Different types of bread are available in the market such as white bread, brown bread, multigrain bread, and wholegrain bread. However you eagerly want to know – are brown bread healthy or not? Let’s dive into it.

Is Brown Bread Healthy?

Assuming that the brown bread which you are eating has a maximum quantity of wholegrain in it, the benefits are as follows:-
1. Rich in fibre – As it is made of whole grain flour, these brown breads are rich in nutrients which are helpful in digestion.
2. Weight Loss– Fibre has the potential to keep your body full for a longer period of time which is beneficial in weight loss.
3. Presence of other nutrients– Not only fibre but brown bread also has all other nutrients that are present in wholegrain flour promoting the overall health of the body
4. Reduces Bad Cholesterol– Fibre is also essential for reducing bad cholesterol present in our body and improves heart health.

Drawbacks of Eating Brown Bread

1. Glucose spike – Brown bread does have additional sugars in it which are not necessary because our body doesn’t need any additive sugar which will increase glucose spike and after some time you might feel a downfall of energy.
2. Gluten allergen– Breads also contain gluten which many people can be allergic to.
3. Unhealthy additives – Some ingredients are added in packaged food behind the name of flavour enhancers and colours which could even be cancer-causing.
4. Consumer Ignorance– We often purchase without even looking at the ingredients in it and include them in our daily diets. Again, it can contain some ingredients which can be unhealthy for us.
5. Weight gain – If people consume brown breads which also have refined flour in it, then it can lead to obesity or weight gain.

How brown bread is different from white bread?

Firstly, let me explain how wheat plays a crucial role in the healthiness of both kinds of bread. So, wheat consists of bran, endosperm and germ. Bran mainly consists of maximum nutrients in it like fibre and vitamins. Endosperm is the largest part of the grain and it is carbohydrate-rich only whereas germ is vitamin rich. While making the dough for refined flour(maida), bran is removed from the wheat grain. Meanwhile, whole grain flour is formed from whole grain including bran which is brown in colour, forming the bread brown in appearance. The presence of bran makes it healthy and nutritious due to the presence of fibre.. Brown bread is made up of whole grain flour making it better than white which is made up of refined flour. Refined flour is lacking in fibre, so it takes a longer period of time to digest causing lots of health issues. 

Is white bread healthy or brown bread?

The very confusing question : Is white bread healthy than brown bread? The answer might amaze you. So, White Bread is made up of refined flour(maida) which releases the sugar level in the bloodstream quickly and you can have a glucose spike. Longer intake of white bread can cause diabetic issues because of frequent sugar spikes in the body. These glucose spikes can also make you feel very low on energy and can cause sugar cravings. Also, these contain high levels of sodium quantity and artificial preservatives which are extremely bad for health. 

However, Brown bread is made up of whole grain flour(atta) which makes it a healthier option for consumption as atta contains fibre good for the overall health of humans. But you must be aware of what different brands are offering because some companies use both kinds of flour in it which consumers ignore and think of it is to be perfectly healthy, not knowing the fact that there could be some different ingredients too. Moreover, sometimes companies use artificial colours to make bread brown which is cancer cautious. To summarise it can be said that brown breads are not completely healthy but are better alternatives to white bread.

Brown Breads are in oven for the process of baking.

Additional Tips


Now you are aware of the question : Are brown bread healthy? Breads are consumed by almost everyone on a daily basis. Mostly as a breakfast without being aware of its effects on your body. Including bread in our daily diet especially breakfast, has become the most convenient and versatile for those who have to go to their work in the morning. So, grabbing bread and applying your favourite peanut butter with some veggies doesn’t take much time. However, for health, it does take time. That’s why you need to be mindful before eating it. For the controversy of, who is better between brown or white bread. Always opt for brown better, at least they are not completely made up of refined flours. Moderation is the key to every eating habit. Until and unless you are not overconsuming anything it is fine. You need to be aware of how much quantity is maximum for any type of food. Despite brown bread having numerous health benefits, few additives make it completely opposite. Just be aware of what you are consuming to lead a healthy life.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Deep

    Good going !! These words are always helpful!!

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