Pros and Cons Of Eating Lemons


Lemon is a fruit. Yes, it is a fruit of which most people are not aware of. They usually consider it as a vegetable but that’s not the case. There are multiple benefits of eating lemons in any way whether by squeezing it on your vegetables or by drinking lemon tea, This yellow-coloured citrus fruit is used globally, for various purposes. Lemons are usually known for their tangy flavour and numerous health benefits. It is an essential fruit not only in our kitchens but in our other household activities as well like cleaning, skin and hair care etc. It is grown at different times of year in various parts of the world depending on the favourable geographical location as well as climatic conditions which makes it an evergreen fruit. This blog covers the advantages and disadvantages of lemons offering a comprehensive look at how this citrus fruit can enhance or affect your life in various aspects. Now let us understand pros and cons of eating lemons.

Two lemons hanging on Lemon Tree.

Benefits of Eating Lemons are:-

1. Nutritional Benefits

Boosts Immunity Vitamin C boosts the immune system of an individual as it increases the production of white blood cells commonly known as soldiers of the human body. These WBCs are the fighters that protect the body from infections and foreign invaders.
Anti-Ageing – Additionally, Vitamin C works as an anti-ageing agent because it increases the formation of collagen in the body which prevents the formation of wrinkles and improves skin health. It also improves the skin complexions.
Powerful antioxidant – Vitamin C is a good source of antioxidants as it improves our heart health and eye health, promotes skin health and supports the immune system of the body. Also, prevents our body from chronic diseases. Intake of antioxidant-rich food helps in the overall well-being of the body. Contains essential nutrients like fibre, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc. Fibre is helpful in digestion whereas potassium promotes heart health by regulating blood in the body. It also contains a small amount of calcium which is essential for bone health. Magnesium helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

2. Health Benefits

Pros of eating lemons are not restricted to nutritional value only. It benefits our health as well when consumed in proper amount. Health benefits of eating lemons are as follows:-

a) Boosts immune system– As lemons have Vitamin C in them, So they can enhance the immunity system of a person.

b) Helpful in digestion and detoxification– Lemons help stimulate digestive enzymes and maintain the pH level in the stomach which makes the addition of lemon, vital. For detoxification, it enhances the functioning of the liver and also promotes hydration. So, it enhances the flushing out of toxins from the body. 

c) Promotes weight Loss– Lemon has a low-calorie count. Moreover, drinking lemon water suppresses the feeling of appetite and creates the feeling of being full. Also, this keeps you hydrated. Proper hydration is equal to a healthy metabolism. 

d) Reduces the risk of kidney stones– lemons do have high citric acid content which prevents the formation of kidney stones. On the other hand, Lemon water is helpful in hydration. Due to increased intake of fluid, the dilution of substances present in kidneys also increases which lowers the risks of crystallisation. 

e) Promotes the Heart Health– The potassium present in lemon helps to regulate the blood and maintain the normal rate of heartbeat. The fibre content present in lemon controls sugar levels which is the main cause of heart disease.

Sliced Lemon.

3. Cookery Uses

Adds Flavours – The acidity present in lemons enhances the inherent flavours of dishes whether it is savory or sweet, making them taste more delicious and fresh. Even if there is some kind of lack of any particular spice or spices, then a lemon can help it to be subtle for you. 

Preservatives – lemons can prevent the browning of many fruits and vegetables and increase their shelf life because lemons do have natural antimicrobial properties. Furthermore, the pH level of lemon is 2 to 3 which makes it highly acidic, which eventually inhibits the growth of any bacteria. 

Dressings – The acidic nature of lemon juice helps brighten the flavours of all ingredients. That is why, it is added to different dishes.

Cons of Lemon:-

Even though lemons have so many health benefits their highly acidic nature can also have some disastrous impacts if it is consumed excessively and without being cautious.
1. Dental problems– As lemons are highly acidic these can make the hardest part of our teeth, enamel erode. If enamel is eroded then the dentine will be exposed. With exposure to dentine, tooth sensitivity increases and the risk of cavities also increases. After the protection layer is removed, the tooth can decay rapidly. For prevention, one should have good oral
hygiene and moderate use of lemon or dilution before use. 

2. Skin Irritation – Nowadays, people use lemon to brighten the skin or to remove tanning. However direct use of such a high acidic substance can be harmful to many individuals because it causes skin irritation and skin allergies to them. It can be prevented if someone performs a patch test or dilute the lemon juice before application. 

3. Digestive issues – Some individuals suffer from digestive issues because of lemons because they are highly acidic. Intake of lemon increases the acidic content in the stomach which can affect the inner lining of the stomach and eventually can cause ulcers. Ulcers can cause extreme pain and discomfort.

A cup of lemon water.

Additional tips:-


In all, it can be said that that health benefits of eating lemons are a lot. However, excess of it can be hazardous. Lemons have so many benefits like nutritional benefits, health benefits and other benefits as well but if one will not be careful then it can be proven as injurious to health. One should always remember that ‘too much of anything is bad’. Everyone should consider adding lemon to their diet because the benefits are overpowering than the drawbacks of lemon. These bright yellow-coloured lemons can be used in our daily lives in different ways. You just need to be cautious to enjoy the natural advantages of the citrus fruit.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Deep

    Very infomative !! Keep growing ❤️

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