Areca Nuts Benefits

Areca Nuts are popular in India but most of Indians are not aware of their scientific name which is Areca Catechu Linn rather people call it ‘Supari’ which is used while making a Paan. Areca Nuts are popularly cultivated in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other places. Particularly in India, some South Indian states are the largest producers of areca nuts which are Karnataka, Kerala and so on. As I have mentioned above, the consumption of supari is often combined with betel leaves and lime. It has cultural and social significance in many countries. That is why it is consumed in rituals, and ceremonies which signifies it as a gesture of hospitality. This blog will provide you with comprehensive details of areca nuts benefits related to health and precautions which everyone must know before their consumption.


Arecas are packed with nutrients such as alkaloids, tannins, and a variety of minerals which are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. However, when these are compared with other nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews), these areca nuts lack proteins as well as healthy fats. This doesn’t indicate them as unhealthy, areca nuts have their own unique nutrient profile due to their high alkaloid content.

Areca nuts are on a surface.

Areca Nuts Benefits

There are multiple benefits associated with areca nuts which are approved by modern research as well.
1. Antioxidants – Areca Nuts are a good source of antioxidants. These antioxidants are very important for our body as a process of oxidation occurs which results in the formation of free radicals. If these free radicals are not neutralised then this could result in catastrophic health diseases like cardiovascular and inflammatory disease. These are also responsible for causing cancer. So, in order to prevent any of such issues, the consumption of antioxidants became necessary as nuts will be helpful in neutralising the free radicals.
2. Digestive Health – As we chew areca, the production of saliva increases which contains a digestive enzyme known as salivary amylase which converts larger starch molecules into smaller and simpler glucose molecules which helps in digestion. Additionally, it is believed that arecas stimulates the production of digestive enzymes which prevent digestive issues like constipation and bloating. Digestion is a very important life process for the functioning of other body parts as well. So, the nuts are to improve the digestion.
3. Oral Health – The nuts are believed to improve oral hygiene by reducing the plaque formation on teeth and preventing gums from catching any diseases. Also, because of chewing the areca nuts the production of saliva in our mouth increases which works as a natural cleanser in our mouth. Further, it is also known for being a natural mouth freshener. However, these benefits can turn into fatal issues if nuts are not consumed properly. Excessive use of areca nuts can be harmful to oral health which will be discussed later in this very blog.
4. Anti-inflammatory effects – Inflammation is the reaction of the immune system of the body towards the irritant which can be injury, germ or infection. In other words, inflammation is the redness, pain and swelling caused because of an injury or infection. Though inflammation is quite normal when we have an injury but chronic inflammation can result in other health issues. So, intake of nuts is essential as they do have anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in the reduction of pain, swelling or redness.
5. Brain Health – Areca Nuts are known as mild stimulants as they speed up the travel of messages between the brain and the body. As being a stimulant it increases the alertness and concentration of an individual. Moreover, it has the potential to reduce anxiety and depression as it increases the production of a happy hormone known as serotonin. This is because it is used to cure some mental disorders but regular consumption can result in unfavourable situations like addiction. Some studies have also shown that it can work as a treatment for Alzheimer’s, but there is a lack of sufficient evidence.
6. Ayurvedic Uses – According to Ayurveda, it is known for balancing the kapha and pitta doshas which means helpful in curing allergies and irritations. It is also used to aid digestion. It has the property to improve blood pressure. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties make it helpful in cases of injury or infections. It can also cure respiratory disorders along with maintaining blood glucose.

Side Effects of Areca are:-

Areca buts with some betel leaves.

1. Addiction – Consumption of Areca can be addictive because it provides a feeling of pleasure which makes people to crave for it more and more leading to an addiction. Along with that, continuous consumption may decrease the amount of pleasure you used to feel and in order to achieve the same satisfaction, users may need to increase the dose. Chewing areca can also be habit forming which can become a part of users’ daily routine. Due to the above-mentioned qualities, it is often compared with nicotine. The addiction is the very reason for being cautious while consuming areca. One must be aware of ‘when to stop’.
2. Oral Cancer – Arecoline is an alkaloid in areca nuts that can cause mutations and DNA damage which contribute to Oral Cancer. Additionally, regular chewing can cause irritation and inflammation. If consumed for the long term, then it can cause chronic inflammation which is well known factor in causing cancer.


Areca Nuts are globally recognised as a stimulant. Even though it is associated with an increasing risk of cancer still it has a lot to offer for health benefits. It works as a mild stimulant which helps in increased energy levels, alertness and concentration which is helpful for people who work for long hours especially physical labourers as it will be advantageous for combating tiredness and maintaining productivity. Furthermore, it has anti-oxidant properties along with anti-inflammatory properties. It provides positive results in improving digestion as well. However, excessive consumption of Areca nuts can also be addictive. So, moderation is the key while consuming these. With proper education, one can incorporate nuts in their diet so that they can take maximum benefits out of it.

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  1. Deep

    Mind blowing work!!

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