Difference between Smoothie and Shake

Shakes and smoothies have always been popular among health enthusiasts. These two might seem similar but are different in multiple ways whether it is about characteristics or benefits. This blog will explain to you about the nutritional benefits of each and the difference between smoothie and shake.
Shakes and smoothies are known for their versatility and convenience. People consider smoothies and juices as filled with nutritional benefits. In modern busy lifestyles juices and smoothies play a vital role As there is always a lack of time. So, they are quick snacks to grab and include all nutrients in your diet. Let’s get into it:-

Shakes and smoothies are lying on the table.

What is Smoothie?

Smoothie is a blend of, basically, fruits and vegetables. It is usually thick with a liquid base which can be water, milk or yogurt. One can include any type of fruits and vegetables. Also, people do include honey, protein powder, nuts or nuts butter, seeds like chia seeds, flex seeds, pumpkin seeds etc in order to make it more nutritional and healthy.

Types of smoothies are:-

1 Fruit Smoothies – Smoothies which is primarily made of fruits like bananas, apples, mangoes etc.
2 Green Smoothie – As the name suggests, green smoothies are green in appearance as they are made up of green leafy vegetables like spinach, cucumber, broccoli, zucchini and many more.
3 Protein Smoothie – This smoothie is focused on fulfilling the requirement of protein in our body. So the ingredients are protein rich like Greek yogurt.
4 Meal Replacement Smoothie – As you might guess by its name, these smoothies are made with the purpose of replacing a meal with a handy drink wither smoothie or shake. So the ingredients are those which do have carbs, proteins and more, in order to complete your balanced diet.

What is Shake?

Shakes are basically blended with milk or with its substitutes. Often these are fruits mixed with milk.

Types of Shakes

As of smoothies, shakes also have similar types which are:-
1 Fruit shakes – The most common and famous shakes are fruit shakes. Example – Banana shake (a blend of banana with milk).
2 Protein shakes – Often fitness freaks and athletes consume protein shakes to increase the consumption of protein.
3 Meal replacement shakes – As above mentioned meal replacement drinks are those which are to fulfil a balanced diet or simply replace meals when you are running out of time.

Difference between smoothie and shake

1. Calorie 

 a) Smoothies do have high-calorie content according to the ingredients blended in like nuts butter, protein powder and so on.

 b) Shakes are mostly high in calorie content because of the presence of milk.

2. Nutrient Density

   a) Smoothies like green smoothies and protein smoothies are very nutritional and beneficial for health.

   b) Shakes are comparatively lacking in nutrition however protein shake is an exception.

3. Fiber

   a) Smoothies have high fiber content as whole fruits and vegetables are blended.

   b) Shakes have low fiber as while making milkshakes, the peel of fruits are removed.

4. Fullness

   a) Smoothies have the power to make you feel satiety for a longer time period because of the presence of fiber content.

   b) Shakes lack in this aspect because lack of fiber can only control your appetite for some time only.


Health Benefits - Smoothie vs Shake


1. Versatile – Smoothies are very versatile as you can include or exclude any ingredient according to your taste and preferences.
2. Healthy life – Green and protein smoothies are the best ways to fulfil all valuable nutrients to promote a healthy life.
3. Convenient – Smoothies do not take a great deal of time for their preparation. Just a few minutes of blend will be enough.
4. Clear Skin – Green veggies are a great source of detoxification which eventually helps in the betterment of skin. Additionally, smoothies are rich in water content which is always a plus point for skin.
5. Nutritious – Smoothies can fulfil your overall nutritional requirement if ingredients are chosen wisely considering all necessary factors.
6. Digestion – Fiber content present in smoothies helps in digestion preventing any issue related to digestion like constipation.


1. Convenient – The most vital benefit of shakes is convenience as a delicious drink in a few minutes is totally worth it.
2. Versatile – Customizing your drinks becomes very easy when it comes to shakes. Example- Oreo-Banana Milkshakes (a blend of milk with banana and Oreo providing an incredibly delicious taste)
3. Calcium Intake – The presence of milk is considered positive as it will help you to supply calcium to your body.
4. Hydration – As fruits and vegetables are blended with milk or its substitute, the water content present in them will help in hydration.

Drawbacks of Shakes and Smoothie

1. Sugar level – Most shakes and smoothies which are made up of fruits have fructose which is a type of sugar and can make your glucose spike. The effect of this is that after the consumption of a smoothie or shake you will feel energetic but soon that energy drops drastically.
2. Low fiber – Shakes have low fiber which directly affects your digestion.
3. Lack of Nutrients – Shakes do have low nutritional value.
4. Weight Gain – Shakes have high calorie content because of the presence of milk which can make you gain weight.

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  1. Deep


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